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Knights Templar

Community Church School and Nursery

“Be the best they can be, with a thirst for learning,
a zest for living and a spirit of kindness.”

Sports Day - Tuesday 2 July at 1:30pm

We will be holding our Sports Day tomorrow - Tuesday 2 July - at 1:30pm.


We apologise for the short notice, but we hope you can appreciate it is a very busy half term, with upcoming events such as Area Sports, class outings and Move Up Day to fit around. The forecast is set to be dry tomorrow - please keep your fingers crossed.


We would love as many parents/carers as possible to attend but appreciate it might not be possible given the short notice. Please rest assured if you are not able to attend the staff will be cheering all of the children on!


We would ask that children come to school in their PE kits and have sunhats and sun cream with them along with a refillable drinks bottle.


Thank you,

Knights Templar Community Church School

Diary Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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House Points

  • 1451 DB Doniford Bay
  • 1444 HB Helwell Bay
  • 1627 BAB Blue Anchor Bay
  • 1625 WB Warren Bay