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Knights Templar

Community Church School and Nursery

“Be the best they can be, with a thirst for learning,
a zest for living and a spirit of kindness.”

Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders

The Digital Leaders focus on e-safety and IT confidence. They gather information from each class weekly and are ready to advise their peers on what to do if they are worried about something they have seen or done. Mrs Bradford meets with the Digital Leaders regularly and gathers the reports and supports children as need be.

We are delighted that the work of the Digital Leaders and the staff has resulted in Knights Templar being awarded the internationally recognised 360 Online Safety Mark. The assessor’s report stated: The leadership of online safety at Knights Templar First School is inspirational both in terms of the Online Safety Group, which includes the contribution of the Digital Leaders, and the Online Safety Lead who has demonstrated a determination to move the school forward in this area.

Recognised areas of strength and good practice are:

  • Consistent and determined approach

The school has put policy into practice through ongoing training and reminders to pupils, staff and parents. The Head Teacher set clear expectations for all members of the school community and provided time to put developments in place.

  • Inspiring and supportive leadership

The Online Safety Lead has developed a staff that is confident to report, and to follow up on issues. She has worked to build a positive culture of care and knowledge.

  • Shared responsibility

Children, staff, governors and parents take active responsibility for online safety. Each group responds to the needs of those in the school community.


Diary Dates

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House Points

  • 1155 DB Doniford Bay
  • 1201 HB Helwell Bay
  • 1285 BAB Blue Anchor Bay
  • 1385 WB Warren Bay