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Knights Templar

Community Church School and Nursery

“Be the best they can be, with a thirst for learning,
a zest for living and a spirit of kindness.”


Pioneers - Age 3-4

Pioneers (Pre-School 3-4yrs)

Our Pioneers room is a large spacious area, set out into different learning zones, which create great spaces for communicating and independent choice and learning.  There is an open plan kitchen, which is a wonderful area for the children to be involved in cooking activities. The outdoor provision is set out in different learning areas.  These include loose parts and block building, mud kitchen, sand, physical space to challenge your skills- including a climbing wall and an undercover learning space. There is access to the school field and wildlife area, which is great for running, bug hunting and investigating.

The structure of the day is mainly free-flow, where children have the opportunity to learn through play activities of their choice.  Alongside this, we have adult led carpet times and small group focus activity times to support key areas of development.

‘Children are born ready, able and eager to learn, they actively reach out to interact with other people and in the world around them. Development is not an automatic process however, it depends on each unique child having opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments’.

Each child has a key person who will support and track your child’s progress and then work alongside you to decide on the next steps of support that your child needs to progress in their development.

Throughout their time at nursery, our ethos is to support and embed the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ (CofEL)

  • Playing and exploring – ENGAGEMENT
  • Active learning – MOTIVATION
  • Creating and thinking critically – THINKING

These skills support children to become an ‘independent learner’ and help to prepare our children to be ‘School ready’.  So what does it mean for a child to be ‘ready for school’?

  • Confidence in themselves
    • Belief in themselves
    • Keen to explore and try things out
    • Able to express themselves and say what they want or how they’re feeling
    • Independent in looking after themselves i.e. dressing, coats, toileting, washing hands, eating, putting on shoes, blowing their nose, etc
  • Being happy with different people
    • Able to separate sensibly from parent or carer 
    • Able to talk to people of different ages
    • Able to share with other children – taking turns, share toys.
    • Knows when to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
  • Showing a love of learning
    • Keen to ask questions, notices things, has a conversation about something they’re interested in
    • Introduced to lots of new words, enjoys trying new words and confidently asks about new words
    • Enjoys books and fairy tales
    • Joins in with nursery rhymes and songs
    • Enjoys counting and noticing the difference in things e.g. length, weight, amount
  • Physical confidence
    • Happy to run around and move in different ways eg steps, jump, balance bikes, hopping
    • Strong in core – able to sit up, kneel up, pull their chest up, etc
    • Happy to play with different apparatus such as a large ball, a hoop.
    • Strong and dextrous fingers


Gemma Cody is our Early Years Lead and the Reception teacher at Knights Templar Community Church School.   She also oversees the nursery curriculum (EYFS).

During the summer term, the Pre-School children visit the school for various activities to get used to the environment and staff team and this helps make the transition process as seamless and supportive as possible.


EYE funding and 30hrs funding

The term after their third birthday, all children are entitled to 570 hours per year free childcare (equivalent to 15 hours per week term-time only or 11 hours per week all year round.)

You may also be entitled to a further 570 hours (equivalent to 30 hours per week term-time only or 22 hours per week all year round) per year if each parent in your household is working at least 16 hours per week at minimum wage (or equivalent).  This is called 30HRS Funding.

To find out if you are eligible please go to

Diary Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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House Points

  • 861 DB Doniford Bay
  • 853 HB Helwell Bay
  • 989 BAB Blue Anchor Bay
  • 1092 WB Warren Bay