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Knights Templar

Community Church School and Nursery

“Be the best they can be, with a thirst for learning,
a zest for living and a spirit of kindness.”

Supporting Positive Behaviour

"Knights Templar Community Church School is a warm, inclusive, caring environment that has relationship and belonging at the heart of all that it does. At every level, members of the school community feel safe, supported and valued. There is evidently a strong team spirit and mutual support between staff and leadership. Staff and governors understand the purpose of a trauma informed approach and are committed to embodying this in their practice. Staff are skilled in the ways that they speak and listen to children, they are timely in recognising need and responding with care, warmth and empathy. The school environment is calm, focuses on positive reinforcement and social engagement and promotes the SEEKING system through thoughtfully designed displays and design of common spaces. The school commitment to inclusion is reflected in a curriculum that values diversity and is evident in their capacity to go above and beyond to provide what children need in order to be successful, access their learning and live life well."

- TISUK Assessor 

At Knights Templar Community Church School, behaviour is understood neuro-scientifically as a communication of an unmet need or as an adapted, defensive stress response. The understanding that children learn best within positive, trusting relationships informs our approach to managing and changing behaviour.


A Trauma Informed Schools UK (TISUK) Practitioner supports our pupils and staff within the setting and all staff have completed TISUK Whole School Training.


We strive to create a safe, stimulating environment where everyone’s spiritual and moral beliefs are nurtured.  We strive to ensure our young learners develop as good citizens based on our core Christian values of Love, Hope, Commitment and Belonging.


The management of distressed behaviour and the support offered to the child is the responsibility of every member of our school community. A consistent, whole school approach offers predictability, containment and safety. Our relationships with each other as staff and how we interact with our children, model our expectations for behaviour.


The development of positive social, emotional and learning behaviours is at the heart of our approach. Our differentiated response to behaviour recognises that our children are unique and that some will require additional support in order to achieve the high expectations we have for behaviour for all children.


We aim to actively promote high self-esteem and high aspirations for all children, through an ethos that values every child. We support children to manage and understand their emotions, to apply thinking between feeling and action, and to increasingly show empathy and understanding to others. This achieved through staff using a PACE approach (playful, acceptance, curiosity and empathy).

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House Points

  • 861 DB Doniford Bay
  • 853 HB Helwell Bay
  • 989 BAB Blue Anchor Bay
  • 1092 WB Warren Bay