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Knights Templar

Community Church School and Nursery

“Be the best they can be, with a thirst for learning,
a zest for living and a spirit of kindness.”

EYFS Bubble Closure

We are writing to keep you updated on the school situation under the current guidance. Sadly today we have had to close the Early Years Foundation Stage bubble, which operates in Ash Class. 


We were informed during the day that a child who was attending the session had been in contact over the weekend with an adult who has since tested positive for Covid-19. This child was immediately isolated from the EYFS bubble and collected from school. We have contacted the DfE Helpline and the advice states that the other children in the group and the staff who have had contact with that child today now must isolate until the child receives a negative test result. 


Unfortunately, as the staff are all having to isolate this means the EYFS bubble will not operate for any children, even those that were not in attendance today, until we have evidence of a negative test. We understand the additional pressures this may cause our key worker families, however we have to keep everyone safe and follow the guidance we are given.


Where children from this bubble have older siblings also attending, these children are still eligible to take their place as they have not had direct contact with the child. However, we appreciate the practicalities might mean the older siblings are kept at hpme for the duration of this closure and would just ask you inform the office so our registers can be updated. 


Please can we remind you all of the responsibility and duty we all have to protect each other. If you, or someone your child has had direct contact with (ie spent more than 15 minutes closer than 2m apart) is displaying symptoms or awaiting a test result your child should not attend the provision until a negative test result has been received. If a positive result is received your child should continue isolating for 10 days. If they then begin showing symptoms in that time or receive a positive test, they will need to restart their ten days of isolating from this point. If you are unsure, please visit the NHS website or contact the school office before attending. This will help to keep everyone safe.


We will keep you closely informed of the situation.

Kind regards,


David Frowde                                                  Linda Bulpin

Headteacher                                                   Chair of Governors 

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  • 1155 DB Doniford Bay
  • 1201 HB Helwell Bay
  • 1285 BAB Blue Anchor Bay
  • 1385 WB Warren Bay